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Norms/standards set by the Village Panchayat
A. Licenses / Permissions issued by the Village Panchayat
Sr No | Type of Service or Scheme | Time limit (Mention as per the Act / circular / recent instructions |
1 | Grant of License for Construction/ Reconstruction of any structure | One Mont |
2 | Permission for Repairs of House or Structure | One Mont |
3 | License for hotels, shops, restaurants, eating houses, coffee houses, sweet meat shops, bakeries, Boards, etc. | One Mont |
4 | Permission for the construction of factories/ Installation of Machinery | One Mont |
5 | License for using any place for Trade, Business or Industry | One Mont |
6 | License for places for disposal of Dead Bodies | One Mont |
7 | Licensing of Shops | One Mont |
B. Certificates issued by the Village Panchayat
Sr No | Type of Service or Scheme | Time limit (Mention as per the Act / circular / recent instructions |
1 | Income Certificate | One week |
2 | Birth / Death Certificate | One Day |
3 | Occupancy Certificate: | One Month |
4 | No Dues Certificate | One week |
5 | Non-availability of Birth or Death Certificate | One Day |
6 | Residence Certificate | One week |
7 | Character Certificate | One week |
8 | Dependency Certificate | One week |
9 | Poverty Certificate | One week |
10 | Divergence Certificate | One week |
11 | Bonafide Fisherman Certificate | One week |
12 | Occupation Certificate | One week |
The Sarpanch to issue certificates at the request of the party
C. No Objection Certificates (NOCs) issued by the Village Panchayat
Sr No | Type of Service or Scheme | Time limit (Mention as per the Act / circular / recent instructions |
1 | Grant of License for Construction/ Reconstruction of any structure | One Mont |
2 | Permission for Repairs of House or Structure | One Mont |
3 | License for hotels, shops, restaurants, eating houses, coffee houses, sweet meat shops, bakeries, Boards, etc. | One Mont |
4 | Permission for the construction of factories/ Installation of Machinery | One Mont |
5 | License for using any place for Trade, Business or Industry | One Mont |
6 | License for places for disposal of Dead Bodies | One Mont |
7 | Licensing of Shops | One Mont |
D. Other Services
Sr No | Type of Service or Scheme | Time limit (Mention as per the Act / circular / recent instructions |
1 | Correction in Births and Deaths Records | One month |
2 | Issue of certified copies of Resolutions | 15 days |
3 | Issue of Information under RTI Act, 2005 | One month |
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